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Please scroll to the end for a downloadable pdf of all the info on this page.



11pm, 30th October 2024


We are seeking 9 female-identifying performers (actors or dancers) of diverse heritages, who are comfortable engaging in choral movement and speaking. Singing experience is also useful, but not essential. We encourage applications from early-career professionals, as well as established and veteran performers. We particularly wish to hear from parents and carers who may have felt their caring responsibilities to be a barrier to work. Applicants must be based in Scotland.

Thrice is a new piece of devised theatre to be auditioned in December 2024 and developed in February-May 2025. The final production phase and touring of the show (dates TBC) are dependent upon future funding decisions. Auditions will be for potential cast members to take part in either one or two development weeks taking place:

- 10-5pm Weds 26th Feb – Sun 2nd March
- 10-5pm Mon 14th – Fri 18th April
- 10-5pm Mon 21st – Fri 25th April
- 10-5pm Mon 12th May – Fri 16th May

Applicants must be available for at least one of these weeks.


Development weeks will be paid at a rate of £750pw + access costs & reasonable expenses. NB: there are deliberately long lead-in times between phases of the casting & development process to maximise planning time for personnel with caring responsibilities.

Locations for these development weeks will be identified on the basis of maximising ease of travel for project personnel once parts have been offered, though Glasgow and/or Edinburgh are likely options.


Thrice is built upon a collaboration between Scottish theatre-maker, Al Seed (Plinth / Oog), Paris-based director, Judith Milligan (The Shadow of Heaven), and Australian choreographer, Lina Limosani (The Spinners). The show is produced by Al Seed Productions – which is a PiPA partner (Parents and Carers in Performing Arts: – and Steph Connell.

The premise of Thrice is that the events of Macbeth have passed and that 9 (3x3) ‘witches’ are reimagining the story for their own ends. The show will involve physical devising, and adapt the original text of Macbeth to explore themes of motherhood, patriarchal power, and war.


Due to the sensitive nature of the show’s themes, and to ensure the project is one applicants will wish to commit to, we strongly advise all potential applicants to attend one of our 30 minute info sessions, to be held by Zoom, prior to applying for a place at a group audition.

Info sessions will be held:

– 6.30 - 7pm, Wednesday 9th Oct
– 3 - 3.30pm, Tuesday 15th Oct
– 10:30 - 11am, Monday 21st Oct

Please book a place on one of these info sessions

A Zoom link will be sent out to attendees immediately before each session.


To apply for a place at a group audition, please submit the following to by Wednesday 30th October 2024 at 11pm:

– Indication of ALL of the 4 development weeks you are currently available for in spring 2025 (see above)
– Indication of ALL of the 4 audition session/s you are potentially available for in December 2024:

- 10-11.30am, Tuesday 3rd December - Surge, Cadogan Street, Glasgow
- 2.30-4pm, Tuesday 3rd December - Surge, Cadogan Street, Glasgow
- 10-11.30am, Thursday 5th December - Dance Base, Grassmarket, Edinburgh
- 2.30-4pm, Thursday 5th December - Dance Base, Grassmarket, Edinburgh

(Workshop-style audition sessions will be led by the project’s creative leads and actor, Helen Mackay. Auditions will focus on group movement and speaking, and introduce the project’s content and working methods. There will be no need to prepare any solo material, but the memorising of a vey short piece of text will be requested in advance.)

– A statement about your interest in taking part in the project (100 words max)
– One of: a CV / Spotlight link / performance bio (200 words max for performance bios)
– A summary of: where you are based / access requirements / potential support required towards caring responsibilities during development week/s (200 words max)

– One or two links to video footage of your work, if available. We would particularly appreciate video links if you specialise in dance and/or singing, as we may not have time to explore these specialisms in depth at auditions (5 mins max, each clip)


The above materials can be submitted in written, video, or audio formats.



We will notify you of safe receipt of your application.

We cannot provide a fee for audition sessions but we have provision for travel and access costs, to be discussed as part of our offer of an audition place.


Following the application deadline on 30th October we will contact all applicants in w/c 4th November to confirm the offer of an audition place or not. We are expecting there to be more applications than audition places available.

Following auditions, we hope to confirm offers of all parts by 9th December.

Please contact with any queries.

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Al Seed Productions ltd. is a company registered in Scotland: SC722111 / Scottish Charity No: SC053358
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